How to Use Garlic to Keep a Cut From Scarring

How to Use Garlic to Keep a Cut From Scarring

Have you ever cut your hand while cooking, opening up boxes, or just being plain clumsy? You can use a common household item to reduce or elimate unsightly scars.

Things You'll Need:

Garlic clove

Paring knife

Sterile wet washcloth

How to Make a Cut not Scar


Clean site of cut with sterile cloth and rinse under cool water.


Cut clove of garlic in manageable pieces. Squeeze piece of garlic over cut until garlic juice completely saturates the wound. This will sting.


Wipe the saturated cut after 1 minute with a wet, sterile cloth. Do bandage until the cut is completely dry. Healing will occur quickly.

Tips & Warnings

If you cannot handle the stinging sensation of antiseptics, you will not be able to perform this. If it stings too much, rinse the wound.